


Does the parable of the wise and foolish virgins apply to the Christian walk in today's modern world?

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By: D. Campbell
11/20/2009 1:52:36 PM

“ Resistance “

Pastoral Article
  Jesus Christ said in Matthew 25: 1-13, that the brethren will be divided between those whom are either foolish or wise. What is significant about this teaching is that foolish will not receive their reward. Both chapters 24 and 25 reveal a single conversation between Jesus Christ and disciples, and therefore, one must consider the parable in light of the revelations spoken of in Matthew chapter 24.
  Hence, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins reflects the condition most saints will find themselves in the days of tribulation. When the virgins are called out to meet their Master, the call comes at midnight, at a time when the darkness is at it’s greatest peak. Therefore, since the virgins were told to go out to meet their Lord, this not only required them to take lamps, but also suggests that they had to travel away from their homes.
  Unfortunately, the foolish virgins did not buy extra oil for their lamps, and discovered that they did not have enough oil to make it through the night. Away from home, in the darkness of night, with out the extra oil, the foolish virgin will become confused, stumble, fall, and become lost.  Therefore, the wise virgins instructed their foolish brethren to go to them that sell, and buy for themselves. And as a result, the foolish virgins came too late, and the Master told them that He  knew them not.
  This last part of the parable is a very important lesson for all Christians to consider, because the key to understanding this message will unlock how one is to resist the anti-Christ and his rule during the days of tribulation. Further, as a Christian, which is what the virgins represent, why would the Master refuse some of those He has called?
  Therefore, just exactly what is this extra oil that the wise virgins took with them, and why would the wise believer refuse to share the their oil with the foolish Christians? After all, the true nature of a Christian is to love one another. The fact that the wise Christian would not share their oil is somewhat out of character, and suggests that this extra oil was only for the survivor. 
  In the Bible, applications of oil are used in a spiritual manner, and is often represented as the working of the Spirit of God. But this is not to suggest that the wise virgins possessed a greater anointing of oil than the foolish, for all Christians receive the Holy Ghost (John 14: 16-17). Nor should this extra oil be considered a greater out pouring of spiritual gifts (Hebrews 2: 4, and 1 Corinthians 12: 18), because God decides the works of the Spirit, and those works are not tied to  the wisdom or the foolishness of men. Therefore, this extra oil may be something that the wise knew was essential, but the foolish virgins did not. 
  Reading on then in Matthew 25: 14-30, Jesus Christ offers another parable, that begins to reveal the lesson of the ten virgins. In this second parable, before leaving on a journey, the Master of the house gives a certain number of talents to each of his servants. Then when the Master returns home, he declares that two of his servants were faithful, but condemns the last.
  Therefore, one should understand that the talents are not used as money in the sense of acquiring wealth, but as an example of one’s ability to properly manage what one is given. This must be the case, because in verses 31-48, Jesus Christ begins to separate the sheep from the goats, and explains why the goats were condemned, and why the sheep were not.
  In this last parable, the sheep gave drink to the thirsty, fed the hungry, visited the sick, clothed the poor, took in the stranger and witnessed in the prisons. The sheep followed their Shepherd, and knew him, and because they loved the Shepherd, the sheep obeyed his commands. But the goats did none of these things, and lost their reward.
  Hence when one ties together the significance of all three parables, they reveal an important message for each and every Christian, particularly those living in the last days. The parable of the ten virgins is best understood by the fact that each Christian is given a lamp. This lamp is the Spirit of God, living in all believers. But the wise Christian survived the night by using the extra oil by serving their Master. And they did so, by properly using the talents they were given.
  Therefore, these talents are not something that God gives so that one may use them to care for the things of this world. No, these gifts are tools that God uses to teach His children how to faithfully serve Him. Using one’s talent without thought or consideration for God’s will, or of the needs of others, will not get one through the long night.
  Hence, the wise virgins could not share the extra oil with their foolish brethren, because this extra oil is only gained by the “experience” of using their talents the way God intended. One cannot give away the experiences found in the heart. And the hearts of the wise virgins were already prepared to carry the extra oil, by their willingness to feed, shelter, clothe and visit those in need.
  Sadly, the goats were unwise concerning the talents they were given, and like the foolish virgin, their hearts failed to see the need for using this extra oil in their lives. After all, religion for the foolish goat is all about their own hearts, and based upon how their talents will meet their own personal needs. There is little thought for the weak, nor any desire to grow by the experience of feeding their brethren.
  But some will still knock on that door, and say unto their Master: “but our church did those things for us. Our tithes and offerings made those things possible!” I suspect that this is why the wise virgins told their foolish brethren to go and purchase the extra oil from those whom buy and sell. One should never ever lose sight of the fact that in the days of tribulation, there will be a world religion that is dominated by the leadership of the modern church. One cannot afford to trust any man with their very own precious soul. Hear the call.
  The call of the Master is now, not at the beginning, middle or as a last ditch effort at the end of tribulation. The call of the Master requires that one take the talents they were given, and seek the opportunity to feed and clothe the poor, take in strangers, and visit the sick and imprisoned at this very day. When one commits their hearts to this call, and faithfully executes the command given by Jesus Christ, then the experience one will need to last through the night, will be there, when needed the most. This is that extra oil. A love for one another, despite the cost.
  Certainly, if one does not have the love in their hearts to acquire that extra oil now; at a time when it is so much easier to do, how in the world will they be able to do those things in tribulation? Will their hearts have mercy upon others when there are guns in their face? How much food will they share with others when they are the hunted? How will they clothe those whom may turn them in, or provide shelter when doing these things could cost one their life?
  Tragically, when the lights burn out, and the foolish virgins wander in the dark, they will return to the life they prefer, and go to them that buy and sell, where a mark will give them the power to enjoy the things of this world. God Forbid.
  Last, I know that there are those whom will say that their trust in the Lord will get them through the night. But is their trust built upon a living experience serving God as he instructs, or is this trust based upon the validation of a comfortable living they now enjoy? Few Christians ever walk out and face the trials of witness, nor are they comfortable giving what they think they can’t afford. Often, their efforts can be at a price, and most would just as soon allow others to do it.
  And of course there will be those whom will horde food, arm themselves, and build sanctuaries to hide from the new world order, and perhaps even fight against it. But, as it is written, if one lives by the sword, one shall die by the sword. The purpose of a Christian living in the last days is to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ. One cannot do that by hiding or by engaging the satanic rule in a physical resistance.
  The call of the days of tribulation require a heart fashioned by the hand of God to glorify Him. Nothing else should matter, and certainly any thought, problem, situation, opportunity, service or difficulty must be met with a God first attitude. Therefore, one must take up this challenge by fervent prayer and the Word of God. Nothing else.

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